Voodoo in Togo | African History Documentary
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Site: www.aeafilms.com
Ọnuọra Abụah's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCMyo1q653rrJcvYQ2
In Part 2, Ọnuọra Abụah travels to Togo (West Africa) to learn more about the Vodun spiritual system and of how Europeans have turned it into a thing of evil.
His journey begins at Kamina and Wahala where WW1's first casualties are found. Onuora then heads south to the enslavement house at Agbodrafo before meeting a Vodun priest near Lomé. Onuora concludes the trip with a visit to a Vodun market. What he learns is Voodoo is really just "Good Magic"
#VoodooInTogo #VoodooInAfrica #SlaveryInAfrica #VoodooHistory
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