TERASTORM - African Superhero Film - Trailer
A group of elite African heroes unite in an attempt to vanquish an ancient wizard who threatens to destroy the earth with a powerful mysterious artifact.
Written/Directed/Animated by Andrew Kaggia
Featuring a talented Kenyan cast (Arabron Nyyneque, Ali Mwangola, Mevlin Alusa, Sara Muhoho, Marryianne Nungo, Peter Mudamba, Mungai Kiroga)
Produced in Kenya. Powered by Unreal.
TeraStorm features an ensemble of Black superheroes for the first time ever in a feature film.
Music: "Ricochet" by Really Slow Motion
Buy their music:
Amazon : http://amzn.to/1lTltY5
iTunes: http://bit.ly/1ee3l8K
Spotify: http://bit.ly/1r3lPvN
Tera Storm is fully produced in Unreal Engine.