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KEMBE ISONU SEASON 5 EPISODE 1 - Written & Produced by Femi Adebile
Kembe Isonu Season 5 begins with a new face as the battle continues, Olori Semoleyin is bent on bringing down the Lord's anointed.
Kembe Isonu Season 5 will bless you - Written & Produced by Femi Adebile
Also watch out for Gbemi Part 2 Mount Zion Movies
Our Ministry Needs
A Black Magic Camera
A good Production Bus
Editing Laptops
God can use you (If you feel led to get any of the above list for us! Kindly Call 08181930790
We appreciate your willful donations to this great ministry work
If you feel led to give into this ministry/Project
Account Number: 0007772017
Account Name: Adebile Oluwafemi Joshua
Bank Name: Stanbic Bank PLC
#kembeisonu #femiadebile #kembeisonuseason4 #NigerianEntertainment