How to Get Startup Ideas
YC Partner Jared Friedman shares advice on how to get startup ideas. This video was recorded for the future founder track in Startup School 2020.
Transcript and lecture slides here:
This lecture is part of YC's Startup School, a free online program and global community of founders. Register and join the community at
Chapters (Powered by
0:00 Introduction
1:14 Mistakes founders make
4:41 Evaluating startup ideas
8:06 Bad reasons to reject startup ideas
10:55 Generating startup ideas
13:21 - Recipe #1: Start with what your team is especially good at.
14:48 - Recipe #2: Think of things you wish someone would build for you
15:05 - Recipe #3: What would you be excited to work on for 10 years?
15:57 - Recipe #4: Look for things that have changed in the world recently
16:29 - Recipe #5: Look for companies that have been successful recently and look for new variants of them
17:24 - Recipe #6: Ask people you know for problems they want solved
17:52 - Recipe #7: Look for industries that seem broken