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8 Views · 5 months ago

THE IN-LAWS 10min teaserZimbabwean Movie produced in the U.KWatch full Movie
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Sahara Movies and GMC Picturespresent The In-laws an offbeat comedy about two parents who travel from Africa to attend their daughter’s graduation ceremony.Getting through the ceremony is much excitement however the parents also get some graduation from their European daughter In-law who is married to their only son who is seen as a good for nothing aspiring artist. Find out for yourself what happens in this hilarious cultural clash.Producer: Demetria KarongahDirectors: Tony Mliswa and Demetria KarongahCast: Demetria Karongah, AshleyMajaya , Julie Ann Burleton and King Alfred as Joe⁣Watch Movie via link below

6 Views · 6 months ago

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Sahara Movies and GMC Pictures
present The In-laws an offbeat comedy about two parents who travel from Africa
to attend their daughter’s graduation ceremony.Getting through the ceremony is
much excitement however the parents also get some graduation from their
European daughter In-law who is married to their only son who is seen as a good
for nothing aspiring artist. Find out for yourself what happens in this
hilarious cultural clash.
Producer: Demetria Karongah
Directors: Tony Mliswa and Demetria Karongah
Cast: Demetria Karongah, Ashley
Majaya , Julie Ann Burleton and King Alfred as Joe
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3 Views · 6 months ago

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A young and ambitious woman Nyuru deceitfully
leaves her husband, Muto in pursuit of a better life to join her ex-boyfriend
Jabu in the UK. Her joy, ambitions and aspirations were all shattered when she
fell in love with her ex-boyfriend living double lives, in double countries
with double standards. Her life becomes more painful, as she gets entangled by
circumstances, to live a life full of thorns not knowing how to remove them.
Producer: Demetria Karongah,Director:

Kenneth Ruchaka
Cast: Demetria Karongah, Abraham

Chipuriro, Patrick Gwenzi, Ashley Majaya.Awards:Best Up-Coming Female award at
the UK-organised ZAFAA Awards (2011)
Zulu African Film Academy Awards (ZAFAA) and ZIMMA 2011.
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1 Views · 6 months ago

⁣A young and ambitious woman Nyuru deceitfully
leaves her husband, Muto in pursuit of a better life to join her ex-boyfriend
Jabu in the UK. Her joy, ambitions and aspirations were all shattered when she
fell in love with her ex-boyfriend living double lives, in double countries
with double standards. Her life becomes more painful, as she gets entangled by
circumstances, to live a life full of thorns not knowing how to remove them.

Producer: Demetria Karongah,Director:
Kenneth Ruchaka

Cast: Demetria Karongah, Abraham
Chipuriro, Patrick Gwenzi, Ashley Majaya.Awards:Best Up-Coming Female award at
the UK-organised ZAFAA Awards (2011)
Zulu African Film Academy Awards (ZAFAA) and ZIMMA 2011.

1 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Sahara Movies and GMC Pictures
present The In-laws an offbeat comedy about two parents who travel from Africa
to attend their daughter’s graduation ceremony.Getting through the ceremony is
much excitement however the parents also get some graduation from their
European daughter In-law who is married to their only son who is seen as a good
for nothing aspiring artist. Find out for yourself what happens in this
hilarious cultural clash.

Producer: Demetria Karongah

Directors: Tony Mliswa and Demetria Karongah

Cast: Demetria Karongah, Ashley
Majaya , Julie Ann Burleton and King Alfred as Joe

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