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386 Views · 2 years ago

An Israeli photographer took this video. Cheetah eats an Antelope and then an alligator eats the Cheetah!Гепард ест Антилопу, а затем крокодил ест Гепарда !Guepardo come un antílope y un cocodrilo se come al Cheetah!צ'יטה טורפת אנטילופה ואז תנין טורף את הצ'יטה!

42 Views · 2 years ago

Song name: Lamenatzeach Shir Mizmor - Geula Gill

64 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Back to the unforgettable endings Ode: Motti Steinmetz's moving rendition of the Wiznitz classic at the end of 'Desho', the Melkot and 'Shira' choir, the 'Yiddish Nachat' children's choir, accompanied by the Freilich Orchestra, under the monumental direction of Robbie Bennett, in an unforgettable performance of the work The Masterpiece of Ba'al Amri Chaim Zatzuk'l * The nostalgic work of the "Amri Chaim" from Ziznitz, in a performance like no other: in one of the highlights of the end of the second cycle in the daily page in Halacha held last winter at the "Cure Insurance Arena" stadium in New Jersey, it appeared Rabbi Moti Steinmetz took to the stage and performed the wonderful and moving work of Ba'al Ameri Chaim Zatzuk'l, "Oda Ha'ehem with all my heart" from Psalms 11. The moving work was performed in front of the great and righteous people of America who gathered and came to the historic position, and could not hide their excitement at the performance The spectacular, with the participation of the 'Malkot' choir in an expanded ensemble, together with the 'Shira' choir, the 'Yiddish Nahat' children's choir, and with the musical accompaniment of the 'Freilich' orchestra, under the monumental conducting of Robbie Bennett. "Ode to God with all my heart" is a work full of emotion A true Hassidic and a boundless longing for the Hashiyat. The melody itself was already known during the tenure of KK Maran, the author of "Love of Israel" in Moiznitz - and was forgotten. In 1959, KK Maren, the owner of "Emeri Haim" Zutzok'l, in Moiznitz composed the melody to the words of Psalms 11 , after he fell ill with a serious illness that lasted a year during which he was between heaven and earth. Over the years, he used to sing it on Shabbat Gadol. The song is sung by Hasids at occasions of joy and thanksgiving, and has become an asset of the Iron Sheep in the world of authentic Hasidic music. The Lord is in need of all his things, glory and honor, his work and his righteousness stand forever, he has done his wonders. Video editing: Arashi Segal Mix: Haim Mozes Cover design: Shimon Rochman For regular updates join the YouTube channel of 'Darshu Global' To subscribe to the email to receive clips, updates and materials More [email protected] Personal representation and management of Motti Steinmetz: Bennett Productions | To book performances: 0528329090 Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: (Motti Steinmetz and the Bennett Productions team put up a condition not to play on Shabbats and Israeli holidays). All rights reserved to Moti Steinmetz and Bennett Productions ©

217 Views · 2 years ago

thanks to bara for letting me use the english translation

57 Views · 2 years ago

Thousands of Jewish pilgrims attended Selichot prayers at Western Wall ahead of Yom Kippur, Tuesday early morning.

Footage shows the pilgrims praying at the Western Wall, while many Rabbis were seen blowing Shofar, a traditional musical instrument made from a ram horn, which should sound 100 times during a traditional Rosh Hashanah service.

"At the eve of Yom Kippur, the people of Israel gather here, at the Western wall, and the people that join us from home or the synagogues, in order to ask God forgiveness, for the things we didn't do right in the past year, and to ask him to sentence us to good and peaceful life," said Shmuel Rabinovitch, the Rabbi of the Western Wall.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is considered as one of the holiest days in Judaism, as believers seek to expiate their sins and achieve reconciliation with God. It is observed on the 10th day of the lunar month of Tishri, this year it started at sunset of October 4 till nightfall of October 5.

29 Views · 3 years ago

Rabbi Yosef Kushner returns to the Kosher Money podcast to discuss Maaser, the charitable act of giving away 10% of your earnings to charity.

Is it a biblical commandment? Where did this custom come from? What are the benefits? Can one give away more than 10%? Those questions and more were discussed in an action-packed episode.

Oh, Rabbi Kushner has an amazing book named Commerce & Shabbos, which is available for purchase here:

Have a Q for the Rabbi? Ask him here: [email protected]


• Approved Funding: Looking to purchase a home? Looking to refinance? You need to speak to Shmuel Shayowitz at to make sure you do it right.

• Colel Chabad: Get a FREE pushka (charity box) from a non-profit helping feed Israel's neediest. Visit & to make a much-needed donation.

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38 Views · 3 years ago

The prominent people from China and Israel send their congrats to the establishment of Israel Returned Chinese Scholars Association in 2020

41 Views · 3 years ago

What does the Torah/Bible tell us about financial success?

Rabbi Daniel Lapin returns to the Kosher Money studio to reveal Biblical insights to becoming wealthy, a better person, a better communicator, a better family man, and more.

📕 Thou Shall Prosper -
📕 Business Secrets from the Bible -


00:00 Intro
01:45 Welcome Rabbi Lapin
02:30 Reflecting
02:55 What are Erroneous Reasons Many Jews are Rich
06:42 The Five F’s
13:58 The Secret to Everything
16:45 Common Denominators Between Wealthy People
19:09 Does God Want Me to Be Wealthy?
25:59 Sponsor Message
29:00 Biblical Secrets to Making Money
35:30 Introverts, Money & The Power of Connection
45:00 Why Dave Ramsey is Successful
47:45 Do Self-Help Books Help? How to Be a Better Communicator?
53:45 How to Battle a Recession
1:02:50 Sponsored Message
1:04:08 Backyard Weddings and the Costs of Today
1:09:05 Ads in Jewish Magazines
1:13:05 Large Sums of Money: Spending & Inheritance
01:23:50 Living Longer
01:28:27 Righteous People Who Are Poor
01:38:40 Outro


• Colel Chabad: Get a FREE pushka (charity box) from a non-profit helping feed Israel's neediest. Visit & to make a much-needed donation.

• Approved Funding: Looking to purchase a home? Looking to refinance? You need to speak to Shmuel Shayowitz at to make sure you do it right.

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65 Views · 3 years ago

Antisemitic tropes about Jewish wealth have been around for centuries. While there are some truly wild conspiracy theories out there it does beg the question…are Jews rich?

While not ALL Jews are rich, Jewish people are still statistically overrepresented among the wealthy. This may be due to the overall Jewish value of education and a gravitation towards more urban environments where there are greater opportunities for economic advancement.

Historically, Jews have experienced periods of great economic instability, yet the challenges they have faced have created a culture of resilience and entrepreneurial perseverance still evident today.

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Recommended video— The Origins of Antisemitic Stereotypes

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Image and footage credits:
– Andrey Kirievskiy/Pexels
– Cityxcape/Pexels
– Cottonbro/Pexel
– Image of Miamonadies from the collection of the National Library of Israel, courtesy of אוסף אברהם שבדרון
– Lampus Production/Pexels
– Library of Congress
– Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine
– Mikhail Nilov/Pexel
– Nationaal Archief-Spaarnestad Photo
– National Archives of Norway
– Photo of the mikvah in Besalú, Spain by Marilyn Armstrong and Serendipity – Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth, user under fair use
– Pressmaste/Pexels
– Reb mendel/Wikimedia Commons
– The British Library
– The Meitar Collection, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel
– U.S. Embassy Jerusalem
About Explainers: From ancient Jewish traditions to the modern State of Israel, we explain it all. Diving into anything and everything related to Jewish culture, history, and even religion.
Understand Jewish holidays, Israeli politics, Jewish diasporic communities, and more. Learn about Judaism in pop culture, debunking myths about Jews, and explore obscure Israeli landmarks. We’re asking questions as basic as “What is the Talmud?”, and as obscure as “How did hip-hop boost Kosher wine sales?”, and everything in between.

About Unpacked: We provide nuanced insights by unpacking all things Jewish. People are complex and complicated — yet we’re constantly being pushed to oversimplify our world. At Unpacked we know that being complex makes us more interesting. Because of this, we break the world down with nuance and insight to drive your curiosity and challenge your thinking.

#jews #antisemitism #spacelasers

27 Views · 3 years ago

In the late 1800s, rising antisemitism had people concerned that Judaism would disappear entirely. Two very different solutions arose in an attempt to solve this crisis: Reform Judaism and Zionism.

Reform Judaism aimed to emphasize more universal Jewish values rather than rituals in an attempt to better integrate with non-Jews. Zionism focused on the desire for Jews to re-enter the world stage as their own people in a Jewish state.

Eventually, after the horrors of the Holocaust, the Reform movement recognized the need for Zionism and moved to support it. Today, Jews both in and out of Israel have different and often polar opposite views about how to be Jewish, yet they remain part of the same peoplehood focused on Jewish continuity.

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Check out the other episodes here:

Recommended series — “History of Israel Explained”

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Bronze Level:
– Ellen and Richard Sandler

Image and Footage credits:

– Avenir Videography
– Carmel Newsreel
– Cleveland Memory, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections, American Jewish Historical Society
– The Collection of Mordechai Reichinstein, The Center for Jewish Art
– Robert Couse-Baker
– Derek Fowler Productions LLC
– Noam Furer
– Arnold Gatilao
– The Graphics Fairy
– Elon Hillel
– Israeli Defence Forces Spokesperson's Unit
– Israeli Film Archive, The Jerusalem Cinematheque
– Israeli Government Press Office - Amos Ben Gershom/Moshe Milner/Mark Neyman/Ya'akov Sa'ar
– Israeli State Archives
– The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
– Jewish Telegraphic Agency
– John J. Loeb Jr. Database of Early American Jewish Portraits
– Kan News
– Leo Baeck Institute
– Library of Congress
– The Maccabeats
– Mutari
– National Archives and Records Administration
– The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel
– The National Library of Israel
– New-York Historical Society
– Park Avenue Synagogue
– Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, PBS
– Pearson Scott Foresman and the Wikimedia Foundation
– Gal Kessler Rohs
– Harry T. Peters "America on Stone" Lithography Collection, The Smithsonian Institute
– The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
– The Temple News
– Trinity College Dublin
– Unsplash, Ron Wicks
– UJA Federation of New York
– United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
– United Synagogue Youth
– WiseTemple LA

About Big Jewish Ideas: Understand some “Big Jewish Ideas” through an examination of what it means to be Jewish in today’s world. This series raises crucial questions about peoplehood, Jewish identity, education and community, challenging anyone who’s curious to think about them deeply. We take a look into buzzword Jewish concepts like shabbat, Tikkun Olam, and more.

About Unpacked: We provide nuanced insights by unpacking all things Jewish. People are complex and complicated — yet we’re constantly being pushed to oversimplify our world. At Unpacked we know that being complex makes us more interesting. Because of this, we break the world down with nuance and insight to drive your curiosity and challenge your thinking.

#Reform #Judaism #Zionism

52 Views · 3 years ago

The TED Audio Collective is a collection of podcasts for the curious. Subscribe on YouTube:

Historian and futurist Yuval Noah Harari has a story about the future that’s profound, exciting, and unsettling.

The TED Audio Collective videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy ( For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at

103 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The Gods Must Be Crazy is a 1980 comedy film written, produced, edited and directed by Jamie Uys. An international co-production of South Africa and ...

14 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American epic historical musical film produced and directed by Norman Jewison, and written by Joseph Stein and Sholem Aleichem. The film centers on Tevye, a poor Jewish milkman living in Anatevka, who is faced with the challenge of marrying off his five daughters amidst the growing tension in his village. Reviewers praised Jewison's direction, the screenplay, and the performances of the cast. The film received a leading eight nominations at the 44th Academy Awards, including for the Best Picture, and won three: Best Score Adaptation, Best Cinematography, Best Sound

33 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Fiddler on the Roof was theatrically released on November 3, 1971, by United Artists to critical and commercial success. Reviewers praised Jewison's direction, the screenplay, and the performances of the cast, while the film grossed $83.3 million worldwide on a $9 million budget, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1971. The film received a leading eight nominations at the 44th Academy Awards, including for the Best Picture, and won three: Best Score Adaptation, Best Cinematography, Best Sound

18 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American epic historical musical film produced and directed by Norman Jewison, and written by Joseph Stein and Sholem Aleichem

16 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American epic historical musical film produced and directed by Norman Jewison, and written by Joseph Stein and Sholem Aleichem

25 Views · 3 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of birds were dancing in the sky of north Israel, it happens almost every year, take a look

41 Views · 3 years ago

The story behind the Israeli airforce founding and development

19 Views · 3 years ago

The Israeli Air Force was born in war, and most of the airplanes were used aircrafts from the WW2, they made unbelievable progress in short period

19 Views · 3 years ago

Israel is called Startup Nation, Tel Aviv is also a Startup City, one of the top Startup cities in the world,

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